Thursday, January 22, 2015

Single Story Cheese Heads

A time that I made a single story occurred during the 2012 NFL Playoffs.  The single story that I created was that people in Wisconsin walked around with cheese on their heads.  I created this single story because all of the people in the stands that were Packers fans wore cheese on their heads.  This single story, as I realize now, is obviously a little off of what truly occurs in Wisconsin.  Obviously, as I look back now, the single story that I created was far fetched and completely absurd, but man would that be cool.  #cheesehead #idontlikethepackersbuttheyhavecoolcommercials #aaronrodgersdiscountdoublecheck  

1 comment:

  1. Noah, the fact that you had this single story does not surprise me, as most fans at football games do some pretty weird things. And Noah, you are a cheesehead. #cheeseheadsrule
